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IDslCompilerContext Properties

The IDslCompilerContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyActivity
The Activity in Context.
Public propertyCase
The Case in Context.
Public propertyFormData
The Form ActualData in context.
Public propertyInput
Workflow input object. If there is multiple objects, it references the first one.
Public propertyInputs
Workflow input objects.
Public propertyOutput
Using this property to get/set Output value object for the workflow in the current context.
Public propertyCode exampleParameters
The parameters are parsed from the query string of the web trigger request
Assume that a dynamic web trigger has the friendly uri: employee/info
Then a request for that trigger is: employee/info?isActive=true&from=2020-07-27
var dataApi = ctx.Use<IDataApi>();
var @from = ctx.Parameters.Get<DateTime>("from");
var isActive = ctx.Parameters["isActive"];
var filter = FilterBuilder.Create().Eq("Active", isActive)
                                      .Gt("CreatedAt", @from)
var result = dataApi.Search(DataObjectApiQuery
var employee  = result.Data.FirstOrDefault();
ctx.Output = employee;
Public propertyCode exampleRouteParameters
The route parameters are parsed from the url of the web trigger request
Assume that a dynamic web trigger has the friendly uri: employee/info/{code}
Then a request for that trigger is: employee/info/DEV-123
var dataApi = ctx.Use<IDataApi>();
var employeeCode = ctx.RouteParameters.Get<string>("code");
var filter = FilterBuilder.Create().Eq("Active", true)
                                      .Eq("Code", employeeCode)
var result = dataApi.Search(DataObjectApiQuery
                    .Paging(0, 1)
var employee  = result.Data.FirstOrDefault();
ctx.Output = employee;
Public propertyUser
The User in context.
Public propertyWorkerSite
The WorkerSite in Context
Public propertyWorkflow
The Workflow in Context.
Public propertyWorkflowContext
The context object.
See Also